
AutoCAD provides several function key shortcuts (F1 through F12), each of which is associated with a specific command or action. These shortcuts are designed to expedite your workflow and reduce the need to navigate through menus and toolbars constantly. Let’s delve into the most commonly used function key shortcuts and their corresponding functions.

Key Combinations

  • F1 - Help
    F1 is the universal Help key in most software applications, including AutoCAD. Pressing F1 brings up context-sensitive help, allowing you to quickly access information about the tool or command you’re using. It’s a valuable resource for learning and troubleshooting.

  • F2 - Command Window
    F2 opens the Text Window, which displays a log of your recent commands and their results. This can be incredibly helpful for reviewing your actions and identifying any errors or issues.

  • F3 - Object Snap
    F3 toggles Object Snap mode on and off. Object Snap helps you precisely locate and snap to specific points on objects, such as endpoints, midpoints, and intersections, enhancing accuracy in your drawings.

  • F4 - 3D Object Snap
    F4 toggles 3D Object Snap mode, which is particularly useful when working with 3D models. It allows you to snap to 3D points and coordinates. Not needed in 2D drawing.

  • F5 - Isometric Drafting
    F5 switches between the different isometric drafting planes (Left, Top, Right). This is essential for creating 3D drawings with ease.

  • F6 - Dynamic UCS

    F6 activates Dynamic UCS (User Coordinate System), which adapts the UCS to the geometry you are working on. This simplifies drawing in different orientations.

    To return to the standard World UCS, simply press F6 again or type “UCS” and press Enter to deactivate Dynamic UCS. Dynamic UCS is a valuable tool for anyone working with 3D models.

  • F7 - Grid Display
    F7 toggles the display of the grid on and off. The grid can be useful for aligning objects and maintaining consistency in your drawings.

  • F8 - Ortho Mode
    F8 enables Ortho mode, restricting cursor movement to horizontal and vertical lines only. This is invaluable for maintaining alignment and precision.

  • F9 - Snap Mode
    F9 activates Snap mode, allowing you to snap to specified increments or angles. It helps you maintain accuracy while drawing and aligning objects.

  • F10 - Polar Tracking F10 turns on Polar Tracking, which assists in drawing lines at specific angles relative to the cursor’s current position.

  • F11 - Object Snap Tracking
    F11 activates Object Snap Tracking, which allows you to track along specific object snap points, making it easier to create accurate geometry.

  • F12 - Dynamic Input
    F12 toggles Dynamic Input on and off. Dynamic Input displays command prompts and options near the cursor, enhancing command execution efficiency.


In the world of AutoCAD, time is of the essence. Function key shortcuts are invaluable tools for streamlining your workflow and increasing your productivity.