When it comes to learning, the definition is the first thing we are taught about a subject matter. It is the fundamental component of understanding any concept or matter. But do we really know what the definition of definition is? The term “definition” is thought to be innate, but we must dissect it to understand its impact on our lives.

Defining “Definition”

To define “definition,” keep in mind that it must be defined without the use of the word itself we are trying to define. In essence, definition is an attempt to make something clear. It is the fundamental framework through which we understand any idea or matter.

Our Mental Language

We have many languages that we speak as humans, but everyone has a different mental language, or subconscious language. Every word we say has a mental meaning that connects something to a visual element. spelled spelled spelled spelled spelled spelled spelled spelled spelled the word spelled the words This means that we have evolved and developed the mental capacity to comprehend things without the use of visual cues.

The Impact of Understanding Definition

Our understanding of things should not be limited to the definability of a definition. To truly comprehend its significance, we must reflect on and follow it. Consider the oath we used to take during morning assemblies. One of the oath’s sentences was, “We will not do injustice or corruption, nor will we tolerate it.” Our society, however, has become so tolerant that we now tolerate injustice and corruption. This level of tolerance effectively silences us from speaking up. If we do not follow the definition of a good citizen, we are not communicating the truth and making things clear. This is how the definition affects our lives.


In conclusion, understanding any idea or matter begins with its definition. It is an attempt to clarify something and should be defined without the use of synonyms for the word itself. Our understanding of things should not be limited by the definability of a definition. It should be considered and followed in order to fully comprehend its significance in our lives. By adhering to the definition, we can strive to convey the truth and make things clear.