
Ownership Problem With Git Solved

When we install windows fresh ownership of folders doesn’t change in git. As a result it throws ownership error. Which is something like this: 'E:/Example' is owned by: 'S-1-5-20-18634556-634524560-354234-1550' but the current user is: 'S-1-5-20-3264345-30432434-3373425-1033' To add an exception for this directory, call: git config --global --add safe.directory E:/Hugo/Sites/blog-site This message indicates that the directory ‘E:/Hugo/Sites/blog-site’ is owned by a different user than the current user, and Git is warning you about potential permission issues....

May 25, 2023 · 3 min · 431 words · Farhun

Windows Powerful Shortcuts

A computer is only powerful if a person use the computer in a powerful way. One of the powerful to navigate in windows is through shortcuts. Here are some time saving shortcuts that will make your workflow more productive. Window Management Win-D: Minimizes all open windows and shows the desktop (Windows key + M: To only minimize) Win-ctrl-D: Add a virtual desktop Win-ctrl-Left/Right Arrow : Move between virtual desktop Win-ctrl-F4 : To close virtual desktop Win-Tab: Opens Task View, which shows all open windows and virtual desktops Alt + Tab: Switches between open windows Alt-Esc: Cycle between open windows quickly Selection CTRL + A to Select all CTRL + Click to select multiple individual items Shift + Click to select multiple items Shift + Arrow to select text Shift + CTRL + Arrow to select entire words Browser Navigation Alt + left or Alt + right arrow to navigate forward or back CTRL + T to open a new tab CTRL + Shift + T to bring up closed tab in browser CTRL + Tab to move to next tab CTRL + Shift + Tab to move to previous tab F5 or CTRL + R to refresh a web page Ctrl+L: To grab link Ctrl+Shift+L: To open last tab Others Windows + or Windows - : To zoom in or out Win-E: Opens File Explorer Win-L: Locks your computer Win-R: Opens the Run dialog box Win-S: Opens the Search bar Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Opens Task Manager Windows key + X: Opens the Quick Link menu

May 25, 2023 · 2 min · 257 words · Farhun

Introduction to Deep Learning

What is Deep Learning? Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that includes training artificial neural networks with multiple layers to learn and make predictions or decisions based on input data. In deep learning, the neural network is designed to recognize patterns in large datasets by using algorithms to identify relationships between different variables. The term “deep” generally refers to the number of layers in the neural network, which can range from ten to even thousands....

May 24, 2023 · 4 min · 836 words · Farhun

Basics of Git: Part Two

In the last article we learned about git stage, commit, stash, reset and remove now we will move to some other commands to give this series a proper ending for basic idea and to get starting. Going back a commit This is essentially destroying history. So be cautious of this one. If we want a to go back to one commit behind or we want to delete a commit - git reset --hard HEAD~1 To revert to a specfic commit - git reset commit_id - git revert commit_id Then if we want to push that to remote (origin) - git push -f origin main checking a previous commit If we want to go back and just check a commit then - git checkout commit_id We cannot work while in this checkout mode After checking that commit and want to comeback to present - git checkout master Rebase Merge and rebase works in same way but with slight variation....

December 24, 2022 · 4 min · 748 words · Farhun

Basics of Git: Part One

Git in a nutshell What is git? Ans: Git is a program that constantly scans the file for changes and records them in order to create a version of those changes. That is why it is known as a version control system or version control tool. Flow of github Ans: There are different github with different flags to do many task. But here we mainly focusing on the basic git commands....

December 21, 2022 · 4 min · 795 words · Farhun

The Importance of Understanding the Definition

When it comes to learning, the definition is the first thing we are taught about a subject matter. It is the fundamental component of understanding any concept or matter. But do we really know what the definition of definition is? The term “definition” is thought to be innate, but we must dissect it to understand its impact on our lives. Defining “Definition” To define “definition,” keep in mind that it must be defined without the use of the word itself we are trying to define....

December 13, 2022 · 2 min · 369 words · Farhun